Pulp, Paper and Forest Products

PDG has extensive experience in the pulp, paper, and forest products industry, which has been a core part of PDG since its inception. Many current employees have over 30+ years working for this industry in all aspects of engineering and project management. This gives PDG the experience that our clients need to have their projects completed successfully, on-budget and on-time.
Areas of Expertise
- Pulping
- Kraft
- SemiChem
- Brown Stock System
- 02 Delignification
- Woodyard
- Truck Scaling and Unloading
- Tree Length Log Handling
- Chip Handling
- Bark/Biomass Handling
- Boiler Controls
- Bond Paper Machines
- Burner Management Systems
- Combination Boilers
- Dye Color Systems
- Environmental Studies
- Emergency Generators
- Facility Upgrades
- Lime Kilns – Burners, Causticizing, Drives, etc.
- Material Handling
- Non-Condensable Gas Systems – HVLC / LVHC
- New Paper Machines
- Paper Machine Upgrades/Rebuilds
- Power Boilers
- Power Distribution
- Digesters – Batch & Continuous
- Dust Control and Collection Systems
- Process Upgrades
- Recovery Boilers
- Recycled Fiber
- Safe Operator Access Guarding and Control Systems
- Screening Systems
- Starch Systems
- Steam Distribution
- Steam Turbine Generator Sets
- Stock Prep
- Tissue Machine Upgrades/Rebuilds
- Tissue/Towel Converting
- Waste Treatment
- Waste Treatment Sludge Dewatering
- Wood Handling
The next time that you need engineering services, contact PDG and let our experts help develop a solution that’s right for you.